Welcome back to Northern Elite Water Polo Club's Spring Session!
We are thrilled to be starting up another session and very much look forward to the challenges and adventure that awaits us this coming spring. As is tradition during the Spring Session, we will be having lectures, homework and readings for each of you to take part in. I have picked eight topics of discussion, for us to cover over the coming 10 weeks session. While these topics will be in addition to mastering and fine tuning our water polo skills night in and night out, there is much more to this session than just being a good water polo player.
The goal of this program is to develop and own each topic in our daily lives that exist outside of the pool. Each of us lives each day to the best of our ability but often times we are not cognitive of our actions or aware of our surroundings. Much like we must be intent when we deliver a pass or defend against a drive, our approach to our family life, school work and social relationships should be thought of with the same care and delicacy that a cross court pass to a tip in must require. How we pass, the placement of the ball when we throw and how we finish can all be translated to how we approach, speak to and relate to our family, friends and teachers. We simply cannot throw an errant pass or be disrespectful to our parents and expect to score a goal or not to be grounded. I look forward to our further discussions on these topics and having an open forum to discuss any breakthroughs or challenges we may be facing.
If you have questions regarding the topics or the homework, my email address is listed below and you may contact me at any time to discuss and I will be sure to respond readily. If there is something in particular you would like to be discussed in our lectures, don't hesitate to ask as we are open to ideas and thoughts alike.
I look forward to our continued success and enthusiasm in the pool this session.
Take care and Go Lions!
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